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Image Classification of Pollen-Bearing Honey Bees


Bees are essential pollinators, about 80% of pollination around the world is taken care of by honey bees. With changes in land use, increased pesticide use, and climate change, as well as a number of other factors, bee communities have been declining. The number of worker bees in a colony is essential to its functioning; they collect pollen on their legs – the hairs on their bodies attract grains of pollen, which are then formed into “baskets” on their legs for carrying back to the hive. To understand behavior of bees and colony health, hive and honey bee activities can be observed, such as pollen collection. Machine learning has the potential to observe and classify bee activity automatically and more quickly than humans, which can allow for large scale data collection and can possibly lead to new insights. This all leads to the research question: Can we create a convolutional neural network (CNN) model that can accurately classify whether a bee is carrying pollen or not? To address this question, I used a honey bee image dataset from Kaggle that is based on data used in Recognition of Pollen-Bearing Bees from Video Using Convolutional Neural Network by Rodriguez et al. (2018). The dataset contains 714 image files of pollen-bearing bees or non-pollen-bearing bees. The images were split 80/20 into training and test sets, and a convolutional neural network model was created to attempt to classify the test images. The model performed with a training accuracy of 87.82% and a test accuracy of 87.41%. Compared to results in published literature, Rodriguez et al. developed a shallow two layer CNN with an accuracy of 96.4%. In The Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Pollen Bearing Bee Classification by Sledevič (2018), a three layer CNN performed with 94% accuracy. While my model performed quite well and produced promising results, literature review shows that there is still room for improvement.


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